Állomások listája

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Ez az oldal jelenleg nincs optimalizálva telefonos megjelenésre.

Azok a játékosok, akik legalább egy bevezető küldetést megcsináltak egyjátékos módban, elérést kapnak, hogy többjátékos módban játszanak és játékidő gyűjtésével elérést kapnak az irányítható állomásokhoz. Vonatvezetéssel viszont nem "gyűjthető" a játékidő. A játékidő csak irányítással váltható ki, így tudsz majd a későbbiekben további állomásokat is irányítani. Az első elérhető állomás: Pilichowice.

A "nehézségi szint" a Cseh közösség által lett meghatározva és nem feltétlen fedezi a valós nehézségét az adott állomásnak.


stanice levadouBEZKOLEJI.png - Area without tracks

stanice neovladatelna.png - Állomás

stanice.png - Nem irányítható állomás

stanice ovladatelna.png - Irányítható állomás

stanice rovna.png- Forgalmi kitérő / peron nélküli állomás

Katowice - Warzsawa Wschodnia vasútvonal.
Állomás neve Irányítható-e? Típusa Nehézség Vonalak Rádió csatorna Állomás leírása
stanice rovna.png track to Gliwice and Kat. Ligota
stanice.png Katowice 2
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.png Katowice Zawodzie Yes PC Medium 1


2 Only commuter trains stop here. Four tracks lead from here to Katowice Main Station, both on separate line. There are two platforms available.
stanice bila.pngstanice bila.pngstanice rovna1.png stanice rovna.pngstanice neovladatelna.pngstanicekol vlevo.png Katowice Szopienice Południowe 1


After the stop in the direction of Sosnowiec, line 138 separates.
stanice rovna1.pngstanice bila.png stanice rovna.pngstanice obasmery.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Sosnowiec Glówny Yes PC High 1

062 660

2 One of the most important stations in the region, serving all passenger trains. The two of the main lines available in game meet here, each of them having their own platform.
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Bedzin Yes Cube Control Desk Low 1 2 A station between Dąbrowa Górnicza and Sosnowiec Main Station. There are 6 main tracks, 3 of which are electrified. Only commuter trains stop here.
stanice neovladatelna.png Bedzin Miasto 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Bedzin Ksawera 2
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Yes PC Low 1 2 A small station with two tracks and a platform. Both regional and long-distance trains stop here.
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Golonóg 2
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Pogoria 2
stanice rovna1.pngstanice bila.png stanicekol vpravoh.pngstanice.png Dabrowa Górnicza Zabkowice 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Sikorka 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Chrusczczbród 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Wiesólka 2
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanicekol vpravoh.pngstanice rovna.png Lazy Lc Yes Cube Control Desk Medium 1

154 160 186

2 A signal box guarding entrance to Łazy station. It controls switches leading to the goods part of the station, letting the passenger trains take the shortest way to the platforms.
stanice.png Lazy 2
stanice.png Lazy La 2
stanice bila.pngstanice levadou.pngstanice rovna.png stanice ovladatelna.pngstanicekol vlevo.pngstanice rovna.png Zawiercie Yes Cube Control Desk High 1

4 160 186

1,2 A big station with two platforms and many side tracks, where cargo trains can be stopped. Most passenger trains stop here. Here the Main Railway Route ends, and the trains from Warsaw continue on regular tracks.
stanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.png stanice rovna.pngstanice neovladatelna.png Zawiercie Borowe Pole
stanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.png stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Myszków Mrzyglód 2
stanice rovna.png stanice.png Myszków 2 Diversion outside corridor
stanice rovna.png stanice rovna.png track to Czestochowa
stanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Góra Wlodowska Yes PC Low 1 A little station with no platforms on the Main Railway Route. The two side tracks can be used to stop trains that are to be overtaken.
stanice pravazpet1.png stanice bocni.png Starzyny 5
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Psary Yes PC Low 570(-064) 1 A simple station where a siding branches out of the Main Railway Route and connects to the line 64. There are three main tracks and two side ones, with no platforms.
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.png Knapówka Yes PC Low 1 A junction on the Main Railway Route. A branching line to Czarnca station starts here.
stanice bocni.png stanicekol vlevo.png Czarnca 3 Diversion outside corridor
stanice pravazpet1.png stanice bocni.png Zelislawice 1 Diversion outside corridor
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Wloszczowa Pólnoc Yes PC Low 1 A medium size station on the  Main Railway Route with two platforms. Their three tracks serve most long distance trains. A branching line to Żelisławice starts here.
stanice ovladatelna.png Olszamowice Yes PC Low 1 A little station on the Main Railway Route with two side tracks.
stanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Pilichowice Yes PC Low 1 A junction on the Main Railway Route. Only changing from the left track to the right one and back is possible here.
stanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Opoczno Poludnie Yes PC High 1 A station on the Main Railway Route. It has one platform, where some of the long distance trains stop.
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Idzikowice Yes Cube Control Desk Low 1 The biggest station situated on the Main Railway Route. Two branches separate here to the Tomaszów Mazowiecki – Radom line. There is a passenger carriage repair company, as well as regional carrier’s service here. There are no platforms at this station.
stanicekol vpravo.png stanice neovl1.png Radzice 1
stanice.png Strzalki 1
stanice.png Biala Rawska Br 1
stanice.png Szeligi 1
stanice rovna.pngstanice.pngstanice rovna.png Korytów Kr PC 1 The first station of the CMK route. Aside from two main and two additional tracks, there are a few side tracks, and a siding where aggregate is delivered by trains. There is no platform for passenger trains to stop by.
stanice horedoprava.pngstanice bila.png stanicekol vpravoh.pngstanice neovladatelna.png Jaktorów 2
stanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.png Grodzisk Mazowiecki Yes PC Medium 2 A station in Warsaw’s suburban area, where regional, long-distance and international trains stop. There are two platforms here, and the express trains can pass the station via their separate tracks. This is the first station of the line 4, also known as the Main Railway Route (CMK).
stanice neovladatelna.png Milanówek 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Brwinów 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Parzniew 2
stanice.png Pruszków 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Piastów 2
stanice bocni.png stanicekol vpravoh.png post. Józefinów 2
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Warszawa Ursus-Niedzwiadek 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Warszawa Ursus 2
stanice neovladatelna.png Warszawa Wlochy 2
stanice bila.pngstanice levadouBEZKOLEJI.png stanice bila.pngstanice levorovnedoluBEZKOLEJI.png stanice neovladatelna.pngstanicekol vlevo.png Warszawa Zachodnia 2
stanice konecnaNEOVLBEZKOLEJI.png stanice rovna.png stanice rovna.png Warszawa Glówna 2
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Warszawa Centralna 2
stanice neovladatelna.png stanice rovna.png Warszawa Powisle 2
stanice neovladatelna.png stanice rovna.png Warszawa Stadion 2
stanice rovna.pngstanice konecnaNEOVL.png stanice rovna.pngstanice konecnaNEOVL.png Warszawa Wschodnia 2
Sędziszów - Katowice railway line.
Station Controllability Type Difficulty Lines Radio channel Station description
stanice vychozNEOVL.png Jedrzejow 064 5
stanice neovladatelna.png Sedziszów 8 4
stanice neovladatelna.png Klimontów 8 4
stanice neovladatelna.png Kozlów 8, 064 4 A middle-sized station where only regional trains stop. There are three platforms here, but there aren’t many trains that stop here. The trains can depart from here to Koniecpol, Sędziszów, Katowice and Kraków.
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Tunel 8, 062 4 A small station where trains from Warsaw can change tracks when going to Kraków or Sosnowiec. There is a single platform that is only used by a few regional trains.
stanice neovladatelna.png Charsznica 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.png Gajówka 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.png Jezówka 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.png Wolbrom 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Chrzastowice Olkuskie 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Jaroszowiec Olkuski 062 4
stanice.png Olkusz 062 4
stanice.png Bukowno 062 4
stanice neovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.png Bukowno Przymiarki 062 4
stanice.png Slawków 062 4 A middle-sized station between Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia and Bukowno. There are three electrified tracks here, two of which serve the station’s only platform. Regional trains stop here.
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanicekol vpravo.png Dabrowa Górnicza Wschodnia Yes Cube Control Desk Medium 062, 171 4 A medium sized junction station, where two lines meet. Two of its six main tracks are located by the platform, where the commuter trains stop. Most of the trains passing through here are cargo ones.
stanice obasmery.pngstanice.pngstanice rovna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce 062,


4 There is a branch to the connection 162 to Dabrowa Górnicza Huta Katowice station.
stanice.pngstanice obasmery.png Sosnowiec Kazimierz 062, 163 4 There is a branch to the line 163 to Sosnowiec Maczki station.
stanice obasmery.pngstanice.pngstanice obasmery.png Sosnowiec Dańdówka 062, 171 4, 5 As in DGW, lines 62 and 171 meet here, line 62 from Kazimierz continues to SPl and line 171 from Juliusz continues to Stawiska
stanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.png Sosnowiec Poludniowy Yes PC (Temporarily) Low 062, 660 5 A small junction station, where the single track from Sosnowiec Dańdówka branches to two tracks leading to Sosnowiec Główny – one of them leading into the station, and the other one bypassing it from the south. There are seven tracks here, two of which are situated by the only platform. There is also an intermodal container terminal next to the station.
stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanice obasmery vpravo.png stanice rovna.pngstanice rovna.pngstanice pravahoru.png Sosnowiec Glówny Yes PC High 1

062 660

2 One of the most important stations in the region, serving all passenger trains. The two of the main lines available in game meet here, each of them having their own platform.
Lazy - Tychy railway line
Station Controllability Type Difficulty Lines Radio channel Station description
stanice ovladatelna.png Lazy Lc Yes Cube Control Desk Medium 1

154 160 186

2 A signal box guarding entrance to Łazy station. It controls switches leading to the goods part of the station, letting the passenger trains take the shortest way to the platforms.
stanicekol vpravo.png stanice rovna1.png stanice pravadolu.png Przemiarki
stanice bila.pngstanice rovna1.png stanice.pngstanice obasmery.png Dabrowa Górnicza Towarova
stanice.png Koziol
stanice bila.pngstanice bila.pngstanice levadou.png stanice rovna.pngstanice ovladatelna.pngstanicekol vlevo.png Dabrowa Górnicza Wschodnia Yes Cube Control Desk Medium 4 A medium sized junction station, where two lines meet. Two of its six main tracks are located by the platform, where the commuter trains stop. Most of the trains passing through here are cargo ones.
stanice rovna.pngstanice.pngstanice rovna.png post. Dorota 3 A small junction where two double-track and one single-track lines meet.
stanice.png Juliusz 3,5
stanice obasmery.pngstanice.pngstanice obasmery.png Sosnowiec Dańdówka 5 As in DGW, lines 62 and 171 meet here, line 62 from Kazimierz continues to SPl and line 171 from Juliusz continues to Stawiska
stanice.png Stawiska 5
stanice.png Katowice Janów 5
stanice.png Staszic 5
stanice.pngstanice rovna.png Katowice Kostuchna 5
stanice.png Mąkołowiec 5
stanice.png Tychy
Other stations / dispatcher stations
Station Controllability Type Difficulty Lines Radio channel Station description
stanice neovladatelna.png Sprowa 064 5 Switching station on the line 064 between Starzyny and Kozlów.
stanice.png Myslowice 138 5 Stations on line 138 from Katowice to Krakow. The station is currently not available.
stanice neovladatelna.png Dabrowa Górnicza Poludniowa 133 3
stanice.png Dabrowa Górnicza Huta Katowice 133,



The graphical representation of the tracks is taken from Wikimedia.