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The main passenger station in Katowice is one of the busiest junction stations on the network. It serves a row of train relations in regional, inter-regional and international traffic. Transit freight train traffic also takes place here. Despite this not inconsiderable number, all train traffic runs on four double-track and one single-track tracks (which is only supplementary). Two double-track trails operate in the direction of Zawodzie, while one each to KTC and Brynow. The latter is also supported by a single-track connector, facilitating the departure of platforms 1 and 2 without collision with the line to Gliwice. Only 4 double-edge platforms are used for passenger service, resulting in some cramped station tracks and trouble adding new trains to the schedule. There is also a single-edge platform 5 - but it is unused (formerly used for baggage purposes).
The station's extensive infrastructure includes a stabling (unstabling) group for EMUs (post 13 and 14 - key facilities), a PKP Intercity locomotive depot (KO2 area - relay facilities), a wagon depot (KO1 area - relay facilities and post 11 - key facilities). On the Zawodzie side, there is also a 7-track pre-group, allowing "sorting" of trains, entering the appropriate platforms. On the other hand, from the Ligota and Gliwice sides, there is only a turnout head. Train movement and shunting on the main tracks is carried out by the KO control station, which has relay equipment.[1]

Location on the track


Tracks in the station

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Katowice, Source Semaforek.pl

Speeds at switches

  • All switches have a 40 km/h limit


Thanks for creating this page
  • Ondřej P. - Provision of images
  • Roman - Created page