
Będzin is a transit station located between Dąbrowa and Sosnowiec. It currently has 6 main tracks, of which only 4 (main and two sidings) are electrified. Currently, only passenger trains stop here, while fast trains stop at the neighbouring Będzin Miasto station. A large number of trains leave from the station, e.g. to Centrostal or to the heating plant. However, some of them (e.g. to Enion) have already been cancelled. A curiosity is the shunting track parallel to the main line, once marked 659, which was used to serve sidings turning along the main line. This track extends as far as Sosnovec and also has an entrance semaphore. Train traffic in the station is controlled by the 'B' signal, which has a relay device with a traffic light. On the Sosnowiec side there is a signal 'B1' which also acts as a level crossing safety device.[1]
Location on the track

Tracks in the station

Traffic on the track
SZZ and local conditions
The station is a corridor station:
- All switches have a speed limit of 40km/h.
- Relay signalling equipment
- 6 railway tracks
- Platforms at tracks 1 and 2
- 5 maintenance tracks
- Pictures from the station
Thanks for creating this page
- Roman - Created page
- Bprog - Speed information via switches.