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založena nová stránka s textem „This page contains the total list of contributions that have been made to this wiki. ''This page is currently a work in progress and therefore not all contributions are complete.''náhled|300x300pixelů|Sraz hráčů na CZ serveru, snímek od uživatele MilanSVK == Locomotives and units == '''Europe:''' * Electric unit EN57 * Electric unit EN76/EN96 * Elektr…“
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This page contains the total list of contributions that have been made to this wiki. ''This page is currently a work in progress and therefore not all contributions are complete.''[[Soubor:SimRailCZ Sraz1.jpg|náhled|300x300pixelů|Sraz hráčů na CZ serveru, snímek od uživatele MilanSVK]]
This page contains the total list of contributions that have been made to this wiki.[[File:SimRailCZ Sraz1.jpg|thumb|Player meeting on CZ server, screenshot by MilanSVK]]
== Basic Knowledge ==
* [[Railway 101]]
== DLC ==
* [[DLC CD 163]]
* [[DLC Cargo Pack]]
* [[DLC Lodz - Warszawa]]
* [[DLC Zgorzelec - Gorlitz - Dresden]]
* [[DLC Minneapolis - La Crosse|DLC Route Minneapolis - La Crosse]]

== Locomotives and units ==
== Locomotives and units ==

* [[Elektrická jednotka EN57|Electric unit EN57]]
* [[Electric unit EN57 / EN71]]
* [[Elektrická jednotka EN76|Electric unit EN76/EN96]]
* [[Electric unit EN76|Electric unit EN76 / EN96]]
* [[Elektrická jednotka Pendolino|Electric unit ED250 Pendolino]]
* [[Pendolino electric unit|Electric unit ED250 Pendolino]]
* [[Elektrická lokomotiva EU07|Electric locomotive EU07]]
* [[Electric locomotive EU07]]
* [[Elektrická lokomotiva EP08|Electric locomotive EP08]]
* [[Electric locomotive EP08]]
* [[Elektrická lokomotiva ET25|Electric locomotive ET25]]
* [[Electric locomotive ET22]] '''(DLC)'''
* [[Elektrická lokomotiva Traxx|Electric locomotive E186 Traxx]]
* [[Electric locomotive ET25]]
* [[Parní lokomotiva Ty2|Steam engine Ty2]]
* [[Electric locomotive E186 Traxx]]
* [[Steam engine Ty2]]

'''USA (DLC):'''

* [[GE AC4400CW]]
* [[Diesel locomotive GE AC4400CW]]
'''DE (DLC):'''
* n/a

== Dispatcher mode ==
[[File:Sosnowiec Glówny dispo1.jpg|thumb|Sosnowiec Glówny]]

== Dispatcher mode ==
* [[Dispatcher's Handbook]]
[[Soubor:Sosnowiec Glówny dispo1.jpg|náhled|Sosnowiec Glówny]]
* [[EDR/SHDR]]
* [[How to operate relay line block equipment]]
* [[SEPE SR online]]
* [[Written Orders]]

* [[Dispečerská příručka|Dispatcher's Handbook]]
== Multiplayer ==
* [[EDR]]
* [[Bugs on Multiplayer and Temporary Solution]]
* [[Seznam dispečerských stanovišť|List of dispatching stations]]
* [[How to report a player in the game]]
* [[List of stations]]
* [[Maps]]
* [[Servers information]]
* [[Table with marking of train types]]

== SinglePlayer ==
== SinglePlayer ==

* [[SinglePlayer - Kódy počasí|Weather codes]]
* [[Custom Scenarios]]
* [[API]]
* [[Generator składów na potrzeby scenariuszy|Generator of compositions for scenarios]]
* [[LUA]]
* [[How to activate ETCS in Singleplayer]]
* [[How to Monitor SimRail Log LIVE While Playing]]
* [[SinglePlayer - Weather Codes|Weather codes]]
== Other ==

* [[How to Monitor SimRail Log LIVE While Playing]]
* [[Game API|API]]
* [[Custom Scenarios]]
* [[ETCS]]
* [[How to fix broken previews and information in train/station selection]]
* [[Neutral Sections - Where to pull down pantograph]]
* [[Reshade]]
* [[SDK]]
* [[Signs and Signals]]
* [[Track speeds in SimRail (Prędkości szlakowe w SimRail)]]
* [[Train interlockings]]
* [[Wagons available in the game]]
== English Translators ==
Language Section Manager: [[User:Roman|Roman]]
Other translators:

Latest revision as of 11:02, 2 January 2025

This is the source page. This page is not allowed for translation.

This page contains the total list of contributions that have been made to this wiki.

Player meeting on CZ server, screenshot by MilanSVK

Basic Knowledge


Locomotives and units




  • n/a

Dispatcher mode

Sosnowiec Glówny




English Translators

Language Section Manager: Roman

Other translators: