How to Monitor SimRail Log LIVE While Playing

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Góra Wlodowska

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Open up PowerShell:

1.  Change directory to your SimRail "logs" directory by running:
cd $home\AppData\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail\logs

2. Run the Get-Content command with the -Waitand -Tail switches to see the most recent log output:
Get-Content .(PATH to LOG.txt) -Wait -Tail 5

Naturally, you have to edit the 2nd command and replace  PATH to LOG.txt with the filename of the most recent log. What I do is just empty the log directory (%appdata%..\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail\logs). When you're editing the command for step 2, it will look like this "Get-Content .*Sim -Wait -Tail 5", once you start typing out the path to the log, you can hitTab to autofill**, so, you can type "Sim" and hit Tab and it will give you the full path, something like ".\SimRail_log_2023-02-14_20-25-11.txt*"

Author: PJK