Translations:How to operate relay line block equipment/9/en
Relay block type C

The relay block type C is a non-automatic line block which was developed directly from the classic manual block as it was used in (electro-)mechanical interlockings. Instead of mechanical components, however, all dependencies are realised with relay technology. With this line block, old (electro-)mechanical interlockings can be connected to a relay interlocking without major effort, as the line block equipment in the old, existing interlocking does not have to be completely renewed. The C-type relay block can be equipped with a track vacancy detection system. All operations of this line block must be carried out manually. The block fields in detail: The field block consists of up to three fields per track, which can be arranged either next to or above each other: Permission field (blok pozwolenia, Poz) Starter field (blok początkowy, Po) End field (blok końcowy, Ko).