Translations:How to operate relay line block equipment/8/en
In contrast to the automatic counterpart, a train integrity/line clearance check must be carried out on lines with non-automatic line block in most cases after each train movement. Depending on the level of automation of the system, the clearance check by the dispatcher may be unnecessary. For example, some lines are equipped with a track vacancy detection system with track circuits or axle counters. The train integrity can be determined by observing the tail lamps or tail boards of a passing train and is the most vital part in declaring a line section for clear again. Along a line there may also be manned (posterunek odstępowy, p.o.) or automated blockposts (automaticzny posterunek odstępowy, APO), which are also equipped with line block. Block signals are set up here to increase line capacity.

Examples of tail signals. They are placed on the last vehicle of the train. If we can see those, the train did not loose any vehicles along the line. It will allows us to operate buttons in the signal box that will clear the line block again.