Secciones neutras - Dónde bajar el pantógrafo

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Introducción a las secciones neutras (Por Gazz292)

A little bit of very basic info about these neutral sections in real life, this isn't implemented in SimRail yet, but some people like to drive as realistically as possible obeying all the lineside signs, and it certainly keeps you occupied looking out for these neutral section signs without RWag64's Neutral Section location info.

The railways overhead power lines in Poland are energised at around 3kV DC, thats 3 thousand volts, Direct Current (the voltage can vary from 2kV to 3.6kV and be within 'spec')

This 'low' DC voltage can not travel that far before the voltage drops too much, and the lower the voltage the higher the current that is drawn from the system, which could lead to overheating of the wires, transformers and rectifiers at the sub stations, and possibly the motors on the train.

So the overhead wires are broken up into many isolated sections fed from different power sources along the line, as the voltage can vary by upto 1.6kV on each section you need to be drawing as little power as you can as you cross a neutral section, to avoid the risk of tripping a substation out amongst other issues.

This is a very basic explanation, there's more to it but most people are not that interested... especially as in SimRail you can just ignore these neutral sections right now and not get a 'points penalty' or cause any issue to the system.

So, to comply with the neutral section signs....

You do not need to turn the main power switch / breaker off for these sections, you just need to be drawing no motor power, so simply put the power lever / wheel to zero when you see a We8a sign that applies to your track ahead:

You can apply power again when the nose of your train passes the We9a sign:

If you are driving a (single) loco hauled train, you can re-apply power when the nose of your train passes the We9b sign, which is the above sign with an 'L' on the top of it:

If you are driving an EMU, you need to wait until the nose of your trains passes the We9a sign, which is the one without the L on top.

This is placed further ahead than the We9b sign because your pantograph is further back on an EMU than on a locomotive, so it may still be in the neutral section when your cab passes the We9b sign for locomotives.

A tip to get the motor power to zero by the time you see the We8a sign is to look for the back of the We9a sign, which is for trains running on your track in the opposite direction, and will be about 100 meters 'before' your We8a sign:

The neutral section signs will sometimes be located on posts to the side of the tracks, or on the catenary masts, and in some locations you need to look harder to figure out exactly when the signs apply to your line, and not the line next to you, which may have a staggered neutral section, especially at junctions where tracks join and leave the main line.

Whole List of Neutral Sections in SimRail (By: RWag64)

Katowice - Warszawa

Line South - North Mileage PowerOff
Katowice   318,4
L 1 Katowice Zawodzie 315,9 312
Sosnowiec Glowny pzs R52 310,6 310
Sosnowiec Glowny 309,5
Bedzyn 305,5 301
Dabrowa Gornicza 300,3
Dabrowa Gornicza Zabkowice 292,9 293
Dabrowa Gornicza Zabkowice DZA 291,2
Lazy Lc 282,6
Lazy   280,7 281
Lazy La 276,8
274,3 Zawiercie 274,2 275
L 4 211
Gora Wlodowska 206,7 204
Psary 170,5 166
Knapowka 160,2 155
Wloszczowa Polnoc 153,7 144
Olszamowice 124,0 119
Pilichowice 106,1 109
Opoczno Poludnie 93,0 90
Idzikowice 80,5 76
Strzalki 57,3 51
Biala Rawska 39,7 33
Szeligi 23,5 17
Korytow 14,4 9
Grodzisk Mazowiecki 29,3 29
L 1 20
Pruszkow 15,7 13
Jozefinow 12,6
Warszawa Wlochy 6,9
Warszawa Zachodnia 2,7
0,0 Warszawa  Centralna 0,0
L 2 Warszawa Wschodnia 4,3

Warszawa - Katowice

Line North - South Mileage PowerOff
L 2 Warszawa Wschodnia 4,3 3
0,0 Warszawa  Centralna 0,4
Warszawa Zachodnia 3,1
L 1 Warszawa Wlochy 6,9
Jozefinow 11,8 13
Pruszkow 15,0 23
30,6 Grodzisk Mazowiecki 29,3 29
0,0 9
Korytow 14,6 17
L 4 Szeligi 23,5 25
Biala Rawska 40,1 42
Strzalki 57,4 60
Idzikowice 80,7 90
Opoczno Poludnie 92,6 99
Pilichowice 106,6 109
Olszamowice 124,8 127
Wloszczowa Polnoc 153,7 155
Knapowka 160,6 166
Psary 170,5 174
Gora Wlodowska 206,7 211
223,5 220
274,3 Zawiercie 274,3 275
Lazy La 276,8
L 1 Lazy   280,7 281
Lazy Lc 282,6
Dabrowa Gornicza Zabkowice DZA 291,2
Dabrowa Gornicza Zabkowice 292,9 293
Dabrowa Gornicza Pogoria 295,4
Dabrowa Gornicza Golonog 296,7
Dabrowa Gornicza 300,3 301
Bedzin Ksawera 302,1
Bedzin Miasto 304,4
Bedzyn 305,5
Sosnowiec Glowny 309,5 310
Sosnowiec Glowny pzs R52 310,6 312
Katowice Szopienice Poludniowe 312,9
Katowice Zawodzie 315,7
Katowice   318,4

Sedziszow - Katowice

Line East - West Mileage Power


Sedziszow 251,2
L 8 Gniewiecin 254,3
Klimontow 256,2 258
Kozlow 262,1
268,0 Tunel 0,0 0
Charsznica 7,8
L 62 Gajowka 12,5
Gajowka APO 13,8 14
Jezowka 17,3
Wolbrom 22,3 27
Zarzecze 28,0
Zarzecze APO 29,1
Chrzastowice Olkuskie 30,4
Jaroszowiec Olkuski 35,7 40
Olkusz 45,0
Bukowno 53,5 53
Bukowno Przymiarki 57,3
Slawkow 61,2
Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia 65,9 66
Dorota 15,7
Juliusz 20,0 24
Sosnowiec Dandowka 24,7
83,5 Sosnowiec Poludniowy 82,7 1
310,8 Sosnowiec Gl R52 310,6 312
Katowice Zawodzie 315,7
L 1 Katowice 318,4

Katowice - Sedziszow

Line West - East Mileage Power


Katowice 318,4
L 1 Katowice Zawodzie 315,7 312
Sosnowiec Gl R52 310,6 1
310,6 310,6
1,0 1,0
0,0 Sosnowiec Poludniowy 82,7
83,5 81,8
Sosnowiec Dandowka 78,9
L 62 Sosnowiec Porabka 75,7
Sosnowiec kazimierz 73,6
Sosnowiec Strzemieszyce 69,2 66
Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia 65,9
Slawkow 61,3
Bukowno Przymiarki 57,3
Bukowno 53,5 53
Olkusz 45,0 40
Jaroszowiec Olkuski 35,7
Chrzastowice Olkuskie 30,4
Zarzecze 28,0 27
Wolbrom 22,3
Jezowka 17,3 14
Gajowka 12,5
Charsznica 7,8
0 Tunel 0,0 0
268,5 267,5
Kozlow 262,1 258
L 8 Klimontow 256,2
Gniewiecin 254,3
Sedziszow 251,2

Tunel - Psary

Line South - North Mileage PowerOff
L 8 Tunel 268,0
Kostow 261,8
260,8 1
0,0 3
Sprowa 18,0 22
L 64 Srarzyny 31,0 33
Psary 170,5
L 4 174

Psary - Tunel

Line North - South Mileage Power


L 4
178,8 Psary 170,5
L 64 33
Srarzyny 32,7 22
Sprowa 17,7 3
0,0 1
260,8 Kostow 262,1
L 8
Tunel 267,8 269

Notes on Exception (Lower Pantograph)

Dąbrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce track 2 and Zawiercie track 3 those 2 have neutral section with pantograph lowering.

  1. Dąbrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce if you're a passenger service going to Czechostowa you've to pass it surely (after the platform)
  2. Zawiercie track 3 is the one you need to get to go to Łazy Ła from Zawiercie WITH CARGO(line 160)

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