Vonattípusok táblázata

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Vonat típusok Vontatás típusa
Gőzös Villany Dízel
Mozdonyok Kocsik és vezérlőkocsik Mozdonyok Kocsik és vezérlőkocsik
A. Személyszállító vonatok
EuroNight - ENE - ENS -
Express InterCity - EIE EIJ EIS EIM
Nemzetközi gyors vonat - MME MMJ MMS MMM
Interregionális gyors vonat hotel type - MHE - MHS -
Interregionális gyors vonat - MPE MPJ MPS MPM
Interregionális személy - MOE MOJ MOS MOM
Interregionális személy - - MAJ - MAM
(light motor vehicle, motor unit)
Interregionális Nemzetközi RMP RME RMJ RMS RMM
Interregionális national express vonat RPP RPE RPJ ROS RPM
Interregionális national személy ROP ROE ROJ ROS ROM
Interregionális agglomeration transport - RAE RAJ RAS RAM
Interregionális Nemzetközi - - AMJ - AMM
(light motor vehicle, motor unit)
Interregionális national personal - - APJ - APM
(light motor vehicle, motor unit)
Empty személy vonats - from and to személy vonat PWP PWE PWJ PWS PWM
Empty személy vonats - testing - PCE PCJ PCS PCM
Empty személy vonats - for repair or maintenance - PXE PXJ PXS PXM
Locomotive composition - more than 3 locomotives PHP PHE - PHS -
B. Freight vonats
1. freight vonats in Nemzetközi transport
For priority transport - TAE - TAS -
For full load intermodal transport - TCE - TCS -
For mass transport even to the border areas - TGE - TGS -
For dispersed traffic - TRE - TRS -
2. freight vonats in national transport
For priority transport - TBE - TBS -
For full load intermodal transport - TDE - TDS -
High-speed standard for freight transport - TPE - TPS -
within a single or group of wagons
For non-bulk transport - TNE - TNS -
in single wagons and groups of wagons
For bulk transport even on the border in loaded - TME - TNMS -
and empty state of complete vonat sets
Link system for freight transport - TLE - TLS -
in individual wagons and groups of wagons
Remote control for station operation TKP TKE - TKS -
and sidings in the catchment area of the shunting station
Empty wagons to and from the maintenance yard - TTE - TTS -
Test and other vonats - TSE - TSS -
Locomotive composition - more than 3 locomotives - THE - THS -
C. Locomotives only
A locomotive on and off shift in freight transport - LME - LMS -
Locomotive on and off the shift in személy transport - LWE - LWS -
Locomotive on and off személy vonats LPP LPE - LPS -
- max. 3 locomotives
Locomotive on and off freight vonat LTP LTE - LTS -
- max. 3 locomotives
Mass transport of locomotives to and from maintenance and repair - LZE - LZS -
- max. 3 locomotives
Other locomotives as a unit, - LSE - LSS -
Railway vehicle classified as special delivery
auxiliary vehicles
D. Maintenance and repair of vonats
Inspector - ZNE ZNJ ZNS ZNM
Economy - ZXE - ZXS ZXM
Diagnostics - ZDE ZDJ ZDS ZDM
Locomotive composition - more than 3 locomotives - ZHE - ZHS -

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