Locomotora a vapor Ty2
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Locomotive in reality
Ty2/Ty42 - freight steam locomotive of German design (standardized series 52), mass produced in many European factories (in Germany and occupied countries including Poland) in 1942-1945, also known as German Kriegslokomotive.
The Ty2/42 exerted a maximum pulling force of just over 17,000 kG (170 kN) when starting out. It was powered by a higher quality type of coal and could pull freight depots loaded with 620 t at 80 km/h (50 mph) or 1,700 t at 50 km/h (50 mph). In mountainous areas at an altitude of 20 ‰ it could pull depots weighing 190 t at 40 km/h.
The steam locomotive was sometimes used to haul passenger trains, where a train weighing approximately 130 tons consisting of two- and three-axle cars could negotiate gradients of 25 ‰ at speeds of up to 40 km/h.[1]
In-game locomotive
Basic parameters of this locomotive
Cold start procedure
Locomotive faults
- [1] - Wikipedia link