Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Południowy is a small and rather neglected junction station. The single-track route from Dańdówka changes here into two single-track routes to the Sosnowiec Główny station - one to the station proper, the other bypassing it from the south. The first track is not used by any scheduled trains (except for ad hoc journeys), while the second track is used by trains from Katowice in the direction of Olkusz. The station currently has 7 main tracks, two of which are located by the island platform and are currently the only main tracks in use at the station. A siding to the Spedcont container terminal still branches off from Dańdówka, which is the only 'source' of freight traffic at the station. Train traffic is handled by two signal boxes: "SPł" and "SPł1", which have centralised mechanical equipment with traffic lights. The horns on the two level crossings are also operated from the signal box.[1]
Location on the map
Tracks in the station
Traffic on the track
- n/a
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
Sosnowiec Poludniowy
External links
Thanks to the creation of this page
- iDestinyl - Providing images