Le carnet de bord électronique correspond à peu près, dans son contenu, au carnet de bord écrit, mais s'en distingue principalement par le fait qu'il est tenu par le dispatcheur à l'aide d'une application informatique spéciale.
Le principal avantage du journal de bord électronique est la possibilité de communiquer avec les journaux de bord électroniques des gares voisines, mais aussi avec d'autres systèmes d'information pour soutenir la gestion opérationnelle du transport ferroviaire. Le journal électronique du trafic doit bien entendu être en mesure de stocker les données saisies pendant une période déterminée [1].
Original EDR
The original, first EDR (traffic log) in the game, which provides dispatchers with a display of information about trains passing through a given station or switch. The original EDR has the disadvantage that it does not contain localizations, you cannot view the timetable of the train and it is a purely static page that does not reflect the current information and requirements regarding the corresponding train.
EDR only offers scheduled times, not actual times.
Link to EDR:
https://panel.simrail.eu:8091/?station=Psary&serverCode=cz1 (The current link is to Psary on server cz1)
A new, more intuitive and much clearer EDR is currently under development by the game developers, offering a better overview of trains.
EDR from the FR community
The first community EDR that was created for the game was from the FR community, which brought many features and improvements to players that the base (original) EDR did not include. This system is constantly evolving and is currently one of the best electronic diaries currently in the game. The system can display all the necessary information about trains passing through a station, including delays and whether the AI or the player is driving the train.
Recently, track position of trains (TPV) and a notebook timetable have also been added.
Alternative EDR