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== DLC Cargo Pack==
== DLC Cargo Pack==
'''La reina de las principales líneas polacas de carga, fuerte como un toro: ¡Tome el control de la legendaria locomotora ET22 y lidere pesados trenes de mercancías con vagones nuevos!'''
'''The King of Polish freight mainlines, strong as a bull - take the helm of the legendary ET22 locomotive and lead heavy freight trains with new wagons!'''
[[File:et22cargopack dlc1.png|center]]
[[File:et22cargopack dlc1.png|center]]

La pesada, el monstruo ET22 (201E) de seis ejes, con una potencia de 3000 kW y un peso de 120 toneladas, es la serie más numerosa de locomotoras eléctricas producidas en Polonia. Dos prototipos creados en 1969 se sometieron a numerosas pruebas, después de lo cual se tomó la decisión en 1971 de comenzar la producción en serie de la locomotora eléctrica. A lo largo de casi 20 años de intenso trabajo, se produjeron 1184 unidades para Polonia y 23 unidades para Marruecos (1975-1976). Hasta el día de hoy, la mayoría de las locomotoras ET22 operan para PKP Cargo. Sin embargo, otros transportistas también han adquirido algunas y han transportado con éxito miles de toneladas de mercancías en Polonia, en la República Checa y en Eslovaquia.  
The heavy, six-axle monster ET22 (201E) with a power of 3000 kW and a weight of 120 tons is the most numerous series of electric locomotives produced in Poland. Two prototypes created in 1969 underwent numerous tests, after which a decision was made in 1971 to commence serial production of the electric locomotive. Over nearly 20 years of intensive work, 1184 units were produced for Poland and 23 units for Morocco (1975-1976). To this day, most ET22 locomotives operate for PKP Cargo. Still, other carriers have also acquired some and successfully transported thousands of tons of goods in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
[[File:et22cargopack dlc2.png|center]]
[[File:et22cargopack dlc2.png|center]]

A la locomotora ET22 le hemos "acoplado" vagones tolva Falns 441V de construcción especial, capaces de transportar hasta 64 toneladas de materiales a granel como carbón, así como vagones cisterna "Zas" y "Zaes" con una capacidad de hasta 83.000 litros. Un tren cargado hasta los topes de áridos, con un peso de más de 3000 toneladas, podrá viajar a una velocidad de 100 km/h en la línea principal o probarse a sí mismo en la sección avanzada de Silesia desde la mina Staszic.
We 'attach' special construction Falns 441V hopper wagons to the ET22 locomotive, capable of carrying up to 64 tons of bulk materials such as coal, as well as tank wagons "Zas" and "Zaes", with a capacity of up to 83,000 litres. A train filled to the brim with aggregates, weighing over 3000 tons, will be able to travel at a speed of 100 km/h on the mainline or test itself on the advanced Silesian section from the Staszic mine!
[[File:et22cargopack dlc3.png|center]]
[[File:et22cargopack dlc3.png|center]]

La locomotora ET22 y las nuevas misiones para un solo jugador pondrán a prueba tus habilidades. Solo los mejores maquinistas superarán el empinado ascenso desde la mina Staszic y las numerosas restricciones de velocidad mientras traccionan incluso hasta  3000 t. ¡Después de la descarga, los vagones Falns pueden regresar a la mina a una velocidad máxima de hasta 100 km/h!
ET22 and new single-player missions will test your skills. Only the best engineers will overcome the steep ascent from the Staszic mine and numerous speed restrictions while pulling even 3000t. After unloading, Falns wagons can return to the mine at a maximum speed of up to 100 km/h!
[[File:et22cargopack dlc4.png|center]]
[[File:et22cargopack dlc4.png|center]]

El carbón no es todo lo que transportamos en la red SimRail: The Railway Simulator Cargo Pack. Pon a prueba tu fuerza tirando de vagones llenos de gasolina o gasóleo, pero ten cuidado porque la física avanzada simula el movimiento del fluido en los “barriles”, ¡afectando al comportamiento del tren!
Coal is not all we transport on the SimRail network – The Railway Simulator Cargo Pack. Test your strength by pulling wagons filled with gasoline or diesel oil, but be careful because advanced physics simulates the fluid movement in the 'barrels', affecting the behaviour of the train!
''''¡Una nueva característica en SimRail - The Railway Simulator: Cargo Pack es la sala de máquinas funcional de la ET22!'''
'''A new feature in SimRail - The Railway Simulator: Cargo Pack is the functional ET22 engine room!'''
[[File:et22cargopack dlc5.png|center]]
[[File:et22cargopack dlc5.png|center]]

== Galería de imágenes ==
== Gallery ==
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File:dlccagropack 1.png
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== Información del DLC ==
== DLC Info ==
{| class="wikitable"
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! colspan="2" |
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|'''Fecha del anuncio:'''
|'''Date of announcement:'''
|'''Fecha de distribución:'''
|'''Release date:'''
|'''El DLC incluye:'''
|'''DLC will include:'''
|ET22 (201E), vagones Falns 441V, cisternas "Zas" y "Zaes"
|ET22 (201E), Falns 441V, tank wagons "Zas" and "Zaes"
*Los jugadores que no posean este complemento descargable verán la locomotora y los vagones en el juego ¡pero no podrán subir a la locomotora!
*Players who do not own this DLC will see the locomotive and cars in the game, but will not be able to board the locomotive!

''Toda la información está tomada de la plataforma Steam''
''All information is taken from the Steam platform.''

Latest revision as of 16:08, 10 December 2024

DLC Cargo Pack

The King of Polish freight mainlines, strong as a bull - take the helm of the legendary ET22 locomotive and lead heavy freight trains with new wagons!

The heavy, six-axle monster ET22 (201E) with a power of 3000 kW and a weight of 120 tons is the most numerous series of electric locomotives produced in Poland. Two prototypes created in 1969 underwent numerous tests, after which a decision was made in 1971 to commence serial production of the electric locomotive. Over nearly 20 years of intensive work, 1184 units were produced for Poland and 23 units for Morocco (1975-1976). To this day, most ET22 locomotives operate for PKP Cargo. Still, other carriers have also acquired some and successfully transported thousands of tons of goods in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

We 'attach' special construction Falns 441V hopper wagons to the ET22 locomotive, capable of carrying up to 64 tons of bulk materials such as coal, as well as tank wagons "Zas" and "Zaes", with a capacity of up to 83,000 litres. A train filled to the brim with aggregates, weighing over 3000 tons, will be able to travel at a speed of 100 km/h on the mainline or test itself on the advanced Silesian section from the Staszic mine!

ET22 and new single-player missions will test your skills. Only the best engineers will overcome the steep ascent from the Staszic mine and numerous speed restrictions while pulling even 3000t. After unloading, Falns wagons can return to the mine at a maximum speed of up to 100 km/h!

Coal is not all we transport on the SimRail network – The Railway Simulator Cargo Pack. Test your strength by pulling wagons filled with gasoline or diesel oil, but be careful because advanced physics simulates the fluid movement in the 'barrels', affecting the behaviour of the train! A new feature in SimRail - The Railway Simulator: Cargo Pack is the functional ET22 engine room!


DLC Info

Date of announcement: 9/2023
Release date: 22.4.2024
Developer: SimKol
Price: n/a
DLC will include: ET22 (201E), Falns 441V, tank wagons "Zas" and "Zaes"
  • Players who do not own this DLC will see the locomotive and cars in the game, but will not be able to board the locomotive!

All information is taken from the Steam platform.