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[[File:No photo.jpg|link=https://simrail.cz/wiki/File:No%20photo.jpg|thumb|Żelisławice]]'''STANICE V SOUČASNÉ DOBĚ NENÍ OVLADATELNÁ.'''
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[[File:No photo.jpg|thumb|Żelisławice]]

'''Żelisławice''' je uzlová stanice, kde se jednokolejná spojka z Wloszczowé severní připojuje na trať Kielce - Fosowskie, po které v současnosti jezdí kvalifikované vlaky spojující Varšavu s Vratislaví. Stanice má 4 hlavní koleje, z nichž 3 se nacházejí na nízkých nástupištích. Před nástupišti na východní straně se nacházejí vedlejší koleje, které vedou mimo jiné ke skladišti a rampě. Je zde také velká skupina nevyužívaných vedlejších kolejí (5-13 a 201-205). Naopak na východním zhlaví odbočuje vlečka Prefabet. Stanice byla částečně přestavěna v rámci revitalizace západního úseku tratě 61 - byly vybudovány nové výhybny, které umožňují provoz spojky rychlostí až 100 km/h. Práce se týkaly také nástupišť, která dostala nový povrch. Vlakovou dopravu ve stanici zajišťuje měnírna "Žl", která má reléové zařízení se světelnou signalizací a obsluhuje houkačky na dvou přejezdech.[https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/wiki/index.php?title=%C5%BBelis%C5%82awice <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>]
====Umístění na trati====
'''Żelisławice''' is a junction station, where a single-track connector from Wloszczowa North joins the Kielce - Fosowskie line, on which qualified trains currently run, connecting Warsaw with Wroclaw. The station has 4 main tracks, 3 of which are located at the low platforms. Side tracks are located in front of the platforms on the east side, leading to, among other things, a warehouse and a ramp. There is also a large group of unused side tracks (5-13 and 201-205). In contrast, a Prefabet siding branches off in the eastern headworks. The station has been partially rebuilt as part of the revitalization of the western section of Line 61 - new turnouts have been built, allowing the connector to run at speeds of up to 100 km/h. The work also included platforms, which received a new surface. Train traffic at the station is carried out by the "Żl" substation, which has relay equipment with traffic lights and operates the horns at two level crossings.[https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/wiki/index.php?title=%C5%BBelis%C5%82awice <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>]
[[File:zelislawice map.png|center|thumb|Żelisławice]]

==Koleje ve stanici==
[[File:1280px-Zelislawice 2015.png|center|thumb|Żelisławice, Zdroj Semaforek.pl]]
====Location on the map====
[[File:zelislawice map.png|center|thumb|Żelisławice|link=https://simrail.cz/wiki/File:zelislawice_map.png]]
==Tracks in the station==
[[File:1280px-Zelislawice 2015.png|center|thumb|Żelisławice, Source Semaforek.pl|link=https://simrail.cz/wiki/File:1280px-Zelislawice_2015.png]]

==Traffic on the track==
==Traffic on the track==
<gallery caption="Pictures from the station">
<gallery caption="Pictures from the station">
======Thanks to the creation of this page======
====== Thanks to the creation of this page ======
*Roman - Created page
*Roman - Created page

Latest revision as of 21:01, 24 April 2023



Żelisławice is a junction station, where a single-track connector from Wloszczowa North joins the Kielce - Fosowskie line, on which qualified trains currently run, connecting Warsaw with Wroclaw. The station has 4 main tracks, 3 of which are located at the low platforms. Side tracks are located in front of the platforms on the east side, leading to, among other things, a warehouse and a ramp. There is also a large group of unused side tracks (5-13 and 201-205). In contrast, a Prefabet siding branches off in the eastern headworks. The station has been partially rebuilt as part of the revitalization of the western section of Line 61 - new turnouts have been built, allowing the connector to run at speeds of up to 100 km/h. The work also included platforms, which received a new surface. Train traffic at the station is carried out by the "Żl" substation, which has relay equipment with traffic lights and operates the horns at two level crossings.[1]

Location on the map


Tracks in the station

Żelisławice, Source Semaforek.pl

Traffic on the track

  • n/a


Thanks to the creation of this page
  • Roman - Created page