Katowice Janów

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It is only a switching point. There are no platforms.

Katowice Janów is an interchange station, located on double-track line 171, passing from Stawiska to Muchowiec. The entire Stawiska - Muchowiec section is four-track - on tracks 3 and 4 Janów serves as a siding station. The two stations do not have a connection with each other, and are operated from one signal box. Tracks 3 and 4 are two single-track lines on which traffic is operated under double-track line rules. Janow allows freight trains to enter the KWK Wieczorek siding - Pulaski and Ligon shafts. Four auxiliary tracks (Pulaski shaft) and 2 towards Ligoń shaft branch off from the main tracks. Entrance to the Pulaski shaft siding is possible from the Stawiska side, and from the Muchowiec side to the Ligoń shaft tracks. Train traffic is conducted by the "KJw" control room, which has relay equipment with light signaling. It cooperates with the mine's signal boxes "Pł", which gives permission for entries from the Stawiska side, and "Lg" - permits entry from the Muchowiec side.[1]

Tracks in the station

Katowice Janów, Source Semaforek.pl


Acknowledgements on the creation of this page
  • Roman - Created page